Cultiv8: Empowering Connections, Growing Kindness.

Cultiv8 is a volunteer matching app that connects individuals with reliable organisations and event

Cultiv8 is a volunteer matching app that connects individuals with reliable organisations and event leaders, enabling them to cultivate acts of kindness aligned with their values.

The app embraces the metaphor of “sowing seeds of kindness”. Just like seeds that grow and multiply, so does acts of kindness.


Sf Pro Rounded, with its rounded edges and soft curves, was chosen as the typeface for the app to evoke approachability, warmth, and friendliness. These qualities align perfectly with the app's purpose of inspiring users to engage in acts of kindness.

The choice of emerald green and white as primary colours, along with grey and light green as secondary colours, was deliberate and aimed at creating a visual experience. These colours evoke growth, harmony, purity, simplicity, balance, and a connection to nature.

The garden screen in the app pairs users with leaders and organisations whose values align with their own, enabling collaborations and acts of kindness that stem from shared principles. This thriving garden serves as a symbolic representation, cultivating connections that prioritise the alignment of values and promote positive impact.

The profile screen visually represents the user's growth journey with seeds for initiated projects, sprouts for ongoing projects, plants for completed projects, and roots for connections made. It also showcases the user's values, interests, and personal information.

Cultiv8 connects users with organisations, inspiring them to plant kindness and witness the growth of their impact. It serves as a platform for users to explore and connect with these matches, fostering opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and meaningful engagement.

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Posted on Jul 7, 2023