This project was born by chance when I was testing Midjorney.

It all started when I saw a request in the discord for an image that is now on the cover of this project. A song Starlight — B3LLA, Reichuu was playing in the gates. I caught a wave of inhale and made this layout in 3 days.

The page with Sebastian is my favorite. But after I finished it, I got upset. Because I can't play the game I came up with a few hours ago)

The text was written by me because I like to invent stories.

This little thing makes my projects special.

According to my idea, every nation in this universe has its own history. Choosing a book — you can find out more information. Using audio, you can get even more into the story.

I thought it would be fun to fantasize about the Olympic Games of the future)

In this universe, this is the main event for everyone.

Because the Olympic Games have always united the inhabitants of the Earth.

If you liked the project and you have extra millions — we can create this game together! I have some developments for the ecosystem of the game. And I promise, this game will be sooo cool!

If you don't have millions, but you liked the project — 💓 send this post to your millionaire friend) Haha)

Thank you for reading to the end!

More by Margo_Torteka

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