Kruger National Park Map Illustration

hand drawn custom map illustration of the Kruger National Park, South Africa.

This intricately detailed hand-drawn map artwork showcases the diverse landscapes, abundant wildlife, and enchanting atmosphere of this iconic wildlife South African reserve. With this artwork, I aim to showcase the mesmerizing beauty of Kruger National Park, making it accessible to nature enthusiasts, adventurers, and art lovers alike. This intricate pen illustration is not only a practical tool for planning your visit, but also a captivating work of art that can be proudly displayed, serving as a constant reminder of the awe-inspiring landscapes and wildlife encounters that await in Kruger National Park. With my pen strokes, I have brought to life the rich vegetation, magnificent landscapes, and intricate road network of Kruger National Park.

Experience the wonders of Kruger National Park through this evocative artwork, offering a unique perspective on its different areas, diverse vegetation, well-connected roads, welcoming gates, hidden hides, comfortable lodges, and scenic picnic spots. Let this illustration transport you to the heart of South Africa's iconic wildlife sanctuary and ignite your sense of adventure and appreciation for the natural world.

Diane Shearer
Graphic Designer & Illustrator

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