Spotify Music App🎧 - Redesign Concept

Hello Music Lovers🎶

Today, we are excited to share our latest design Spotify App 🎧 - Redesign Concept.

We’ve decided to slightly redesign and enhance the user interface of Spotify with a fresh-looking Spotify app📱.

The main focus is on improving the user experience of the Spotify mobile app by redesigning the app’s interface and adding more personalization and functionalities to the application based on user and market research.

Features: art direction, music library, podcast transcripts, typography, colour systems, motion graphics, smart lyrics integration, playlists, smart offline listening, and music.

Tools: Figma, Adobe Illustrator

Enjoy a lovely day with even more cool music playing through your 🎧headphones! Cheers💥

We are ready to create something wonderful music app design or redesign a modern mobile app📱 according to your requirements.


Feel free to show some love 💕 and comment with your thoughts!

If you have any projects, just drop us a line at: [email protected] and visit us at:-

Follow us on: Instagram || Behance || Uplabs

Spotify Music App - Redesign Concept 3.png
800 KB
Spotify Music App - Redesign Concept 2.png
3 MB
Spotify Music App - Redesign Concept 1.png
5 MB
Music App.mp4
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