Product Management Platform

online product management website


A technology and technology start-up facing rapid growth. With the increase in the number of products and users, it has become difficult to manage products and analyze revenues through traditional methods. Managing and analyzing data without using a platform is space-consuming and inefficient.


1. The need for an online product management platform that automatically manages all products easily.

2. The need for powerful analysis and reporting tools that can accurately and comprehensively display revenues and product performance.

3. The need for an efficient solution to identify and analyze users' needs in order to improve their experience and increase customer satisfaction.

4. The need for the possibility of intelligent planning and forecasting for the growth and strategic development of the business.


Designing and developing an online product management website that allows product management, revenue analysis, and user needs review. Using advanced algorithms and analytical tools, managers can view and analyze products accurately and up-to-date. Also, the possibility of strategic planning and improving user experience is also available on this website.


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1. The need for an online product management platform that automatically manages all products easily.

2. The need for powerful analysis and reporting tools that can accurately and comprehensively display revenues and product performance.

3. The need for an efficient solution to identify and analyze users' needs in order to improve their experience and increase customer satisfaction.

4. The need for the possibility of intelligent planning and forecasting for the growth and strategic development of the business.

We hope you like it and look forward to your feedback.❤️

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