Moovy streaming app


Younger users are having trouble transitioning from their parents profiles to their own. Users as young as 4 have their own profiles so they can access family friendly content, but sometimes it takes more than 10-12 steps on to get to a hidden profile switch screen.


Adding a button that cuts down the steps it takes for the user to reach their goal, in this case the kids profile screen. My role for this project is the UI design as the research has already been given.


The persona created was Jenny, who loves watching cartoons and has a short attention span. Knowing that, reducing the number of steps it takes to switch profile would be ideal.

User flow

For the user flow I designed two different approach. V1 took more steps but is a common pattern when looking at other streaming apps. V2 tackles the problem by introducing a button component next to the profile icon in the navigation section. Basically extracting the functionality out of the profile menu into its very own button.


During this stage I experimented with different placement for the new button component as well as revealing the profiles when clicking/hovering. My urge was to try something new but steering away from convention could frustrate the user since they expect your site to work the same as others.


Another project goal was there needs to be a visual difference between the interface for adults and the one for kids. This was a challenge because I didn’t want to make the kids UI so different that it feels like a whole other streaming service.


see here


  • Designing two different UI profile for the same product while keeping the feel of the brand was quite a challenge

  • In most cases its not necessary to reinvent the wheel. I notice this was a problem that other streaming services has already solved so trying to be different for the sake of being different is not ideal.

More by Nghia Nguyen

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