Real Estate Property Logo

Real Estate Property Logo


Tagline: invest in living

Concept: LHL initial logo. Relevant to the real estate

Introducing the captivating logo for LUMEN HOLDINGS LTD, a premier real estate development company. The logo design is a fusion of elegance and symbolism. The two "L" letters seamlessly merge in the middle to form the letter "H," representing the company's initials. This clever incorporation signifies unity and growth. The combination of the letters forms a stylized building structure, symbolizing the company's expertise in developing exclusive apartment complexes.

The logo's color palette features a sophisticated ultramarine blue, exuding trust, stability, and professionalism—qualities vital in the real estate industry. The bold sans-serif font used for the company name, "LUMEN HOLDINGS LTD," emphasizes strength and clarity, while the tagline, "invest in living," conveys the brand's commitment to providing exceptional living experiences.

The overall design radiates a sense of progress and prosperity, with the building symbolizing growth and the color palette reflecting a timeless elegance. This logo captures the essence of LUMEN HOLDINGS LTD's vision to furnish the real estate sector with natural attachment, both for the present and the future. It is a symbol of trust, quality, and innovation that will resonate with property owners, sellers, and buyers alike.

Full project view - Behance 

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