Data visualization app UI-kit | Heatmap

Hi guys āš’ļø

I want to shareĀ a little update of mineĀ Data visualization app UI-kit. In version 1.21 I added new heatmap variations. These heatmaps display the number of users depending on the time of day, but you can easily reconfigure them to your needs.

UI-kitĀ is contains 56 screens and 75 ready-made data display components. Radial Bar Charts, Angular Gauges, Donut Charts, Bar Charts, Line Graphs, Progress bars, Card Widgets, iOS Widgets and more to display any type of data. Best for financial, crypto, banking and sports app.

UI-kit is designed using auto-layout, components and variants, allowing you to quickly edit screens and create new ones. The design system has equipped typography, color styles, iconography and components. Made with Free Google font pair.

Data visualization app UI-kit gives you well organized symbols and layers with clear structure.

Get it onĀ Gumroad

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Posted on May 31, 2023
Kirill Lipovoi
Senior Product Designer

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