doggietrek (mobile app)

Doggietrek is a mobile application designed to simplify the process of dog walking, providing convenience to pet owners and professional dog walkers alike. This case study aims to explore how doggietrek successfully streamlined its onboarding process and simplified quick tasks to enhance user experience and engagement.

Problem Statement

Owning and caring for a dog is time consuming and hard. Dog owners need fast, reliable, local, and trustworthy help to care for their dogs without stressing over logistics. Dogs need to be walked, fed and have dependable snuggles. Dog walkers need jobs and ways to promote their businesses. People are busy - dog walking shouldn’t be hard or time consuming.

User Research

I conducted 5 interview with friends and family who I knew owned dogs.

Sample questions I asked:

Do you ever ask friends or use a service for dog walking or pet sitting?

What do you like about the service if used? 

What do you dislike?

What are the most important things you look for in a dog walker?

Pain points:

Not feeling comfortable using strangers

Prices are high

Lack of availability for dog care spotstime (walking) trust (care)

rain and cold weather

Lack of time for research and onboarding

Market Research




To simplify the onboarding process, doggietrek focused on a few key aspects which I tried to accomplish in the wireframe stage:

User-Friendly Registration: Doggietrek allowed users to sign up quickly using their social media accounts or email addresses. By eliminating complex registration forms, the app reduced barriers to entry and encouraged users to get started immediately.

Intuitive Interface: The app featured a clean and intuitive interface, guiding users through each step of the onboarding process. Clear instructions and prompts helped users understand the app's functionalities and how to navigate them effectively.

Personalization: Doggietrek incorporated a brief questionnaire during the onboarding process to understand the specific needs and preferences of each pet owner. This information allowed the app to tailor recommendations and suggestions, ensuring a personalized experience from the start.

Styles & Components



User Testing

Revealed a few key issues:

• not enough screens (favorites, booking screen, separate account screen)

• inbox screen needed to be reworked to mimic current ui standards and patterns

• hamburger menu may not be needed

Final Remarks

The best part of this job is all the things you learn about people (and pets!) along the way. I’ve learned how to conduct research, be patient, iterate and know that things can change quickly and should if the design isn’t working. Recap for value add: reduced number of screens by half, quick onboarding led to more potential customers and happier dogs who got walked on their schedules. Woof!

Posted on May 26, 2023

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