Focus 05 Mockups

This was a scenario for my Design Thinking for Graphic Designers class. I was placed in the role of a junior graphic designer working at a large graphic design firm that focuses on providing branding, marketing, and advertising solutions for clients in various industries. Focus 05 is a fictional restaurant located in Manhattan's trendy Soho district. Their mission is to provide quality food, drink, and entertainment to a target market of individuals and couples between the ages of 22 and 42, this would be the Millennial Generation. After quite a few months of business the manager realized that they were attracting a much older and conservative crowd. They determined the reasoning for this could be that their current subway advertising was attracting the wrong crowd, baby boomers instead of millennials.

My solution to this problem was to utilize the information (preferred colors, fonts, image preferences etc.) in the project design brief I received to create 3 mockups that would appeal more to the target audience of millennials.

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