Product Page & Cart

Product page is where users decide whether it's time for a checkout vs. leave the app. This concept has a standard set: a carousel of large photos, name, brand & price. Detailed product info is hidden for those who need it, while all the users have an opportunity for a virtual try-on, choose the colour of the item and add it to cart.

The cart is minimalistic and efficient. It allows to change the number of items and delete them quickly by swiping left. There is also a promo-code field before the final check out.

You don't need to pay online or enter delivery info, because it's a duty-free shop, so the checkout it pretty simple, and you can see it in my profile as well.

What are the most interesting features you have ever seen/designed for a product page?

Maryna Bezruk
UX/UI designer from Kyiv. Open for work opportunities.

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