Siraj - UX Case Study

Full Project on BEHANCE

Siraj is a powerful and versatile learning platform designed to simplify your Quran learning journey. With a variety of features such as comprehensive courses, live sessions, interactive quizzes, and more. Siraj provides you with all the tools you need to deepen your understanding and stay on track.

User Research

To design a successful platform, we conducted extensive user research to understand our audience's needs and pain points. We spoke to Quran teachers, students, and parents to gather insights and feedback

User Personas

Based on our research, we developed user personas to represent our target audience. These personas helped us to understand the different needs, motivations, and goals of our users

User Journey Mapping

Using the insights from our research and user personas, we created user journey maps to visualize the steps that users take when interacting with our platform. This helped us to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement

User Flow Diagram

After getting a good grip on our users' requirements and objectives, we created wireframes to establish the platform's structure and aesthetic.

Full Project on BEHANCE

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