Nonprofit Website Design - Quechua Benefit

We embarked on a comprehensive website refresh for Quechua Benefit in the summer of 2022 with the goal of implementing a modern and visually appealing design that would capture and captivate the attention of the younger generation in Peru. Simplicity was key, as we were asked to streamline the interface, clean up their online store, and reduce the number of connected plugins to result in a more lightweight experience overall.

Through our collaboration, we transformed the Quechua Benefit website into a user-friendly platform that aligns with their mission to empower the Quechua people through education, economic empowerment and preventative medicine programs. By simplifying the interface and embracing a more digital and data-driven approach, we equipped Quechua Benefit with the tools and strategies necessary to further empower the Quechua people and create a lasting positive impact in the highlands of Peru.

👉 Check out the live site at


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