EXRODE - case study

What is exrode?

Underground road systems,

Operate by an electric and autonomous conveyor belt and use tunnels.

Allows vehicle owners to drive quickly and safely to any destination they choose

Services we provided

  • Debriefing

  • Logo

  • Brand book

  • Application characterization and design

  • Car screen characterization and design

  • Advertising


Building a market survey and distributing it to people

The survey responses make it possible to know who the main users of the brand are, who is its main target audience and who it addresses.


The task was to convey the power, beauty and reliability of the brand. To give the viewer an immediate sense of the power and reliability of the system, its strength and capabilities.

Brand unity is a way to project a consistent vision to the brand's customers.

In order to maintain the external consistency and familiar patterns of the brand, the use is of a stylized title and minimalist shapes with a central element found in all the brand's designs, a grainy dark background with glow lighting in the brand's color adds freshness and friendliness and creates a sense of innovation and cleanliness.

Typography and color scheme

The brand's typography and color scheme are discreet and minimalistic. Nothing should distract the viewer from the main content.

The dark color scheme makes the brand look premium. Based on the general image of the brand and the fact that it is eager to give positive emotions, the color palette is represented by 3 main colors, each of which conveys certain meanings:

Turquoise blue - cleanliness and technology

Black - fundamentalism

White - purity and space.

The combination of colors give a sense of the seriousness of the company with hints of emotion.

This is a basic, round and meticulous font that we use throughout the project. It is a basic and neutral sans-serif font that is legible and flowing.

Sans serif to make visual communication clear and striking.

The font reflects the contrasting nature of the brand - straight and strict lines reflect the trust and seriousness of the company, and rounded shapes are positive and flowing.

3 styles are used - Bold, SemiBold and Regular. Bold and semi-bold for headings and subheadings and normal for body text. Capital headings should be in capital letters.

Throughout the project geometric shapes are used as a container for information and an additional element of visual identification.

The general geometries create a feeling of fullness of the product, which is positively fixed in the consumer's subconscious.

The central shape is the star.

Explanation of the shapes:

Two circles - savings - a repeating circle

Arrow - target

Star - cleanliness, something good with rank and also from a formal point of view serves as a crossroads.

Lines / line - dividing lines of the road


The brand logo is simple but at the same time clean and powerful like all brand products. It perfectly conveys the strong and powerful, modern and dynamic nature of the brand.

Thick and strict letters give the logo a safe and stable look, subtraction of some of the lines of the letters - something dynamic and interesting, an additional element on the letter O - an activation button - something technological.

In designing the logo we chose a logotype, this will help the customer to remember the brand name more

The name of the logo consists of:

  • EX- derived from the word express - direct fast

  • RODE - car, ride

Together, a fast car, a direct drive.


Car screen

Characterization and design of a car screen All screens work according to the same principle: simplicity and ease of use. All interface elements are understandable and usable, easy to remember and created to evoke the emotional responses of users.

The idea was to create a car dashboard through which the user could also manage the trip

Along the way, the entire user interface of the vehicle screen was also designed (not only of the application itself)

Through the car screen, the user will be able to order a ride, and manage all the application settings


Characterization and design of a large number of screens for the application. All screens work according to the same principle: simplicity and ease of use. All interface elements are understandable and usable, easy to remember and created to evoke the emotional responses of users.

Through the app, users will be able to book a ride on the conveyor belt. The app will show them the way from where they are to the conveyor belt, and from there the conveyor belt will take them closest to their destination. Also, everyday users have cards and subscriptions.

A dark user interface helps users concentrate, while green accents evoke trust, stability, cleanliness and innovation

Neon turquoise blue adds freshness and friendliness and creates a feeling of innovation and cleanliness.


Notifications pop up when the user has exited the app and is still on the conveyor belt or when they have an upcoming trip


Promotion and advertising in ads and posters, advertising banners in digital media, signs in popular shopping centers.

Poster grid

Building a grid for posters to obtain uniformity and good lines between posters

Online advertising



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