UI/UX Meditation App Exploration

Software used: Figma

About the project:

As a senior UI/UX designer, I am passionate about solving real-world problems and creating experiences that delight and inspire users. In my latest project, I explored some concept designs for a guided meditation and mindfulness mobile app. To achieve a successful design, I followed a clear design process that involved several stages, including market research, wire framing and prototyping.

One of the key elements of my design was the colour palette. To create a calming and inviting atmosphere for users, I chose a colour scheme that conveyed a sense of tranquility and warmth. I opted for a blend of soft pink and peach tones, complemented by warm earthy neutrals, which created a harmonious and balanced effect. The colours were carefully chosen to enhance the overall user experience, providing a sense of calm and relaxation throughout the app.

Another essential element in my design was the use of illustrations. Illustrations can help users visualise abstract concepts and create a more immersive experience. I carefully selected illustrations that aligned with the app's mission of promoting mindfulness and meditation. These illustrations helped to create a sense of calm and relaxation, while also providing visual cues to guide the user through the app.

Lastly, I ensured that the user flow was easy to follow. Guided meditation and mindfulness can be complex concepts, and it was essential to design an app that users could easily navigate. I made sure to organise the app's features and functionalities in a logical manner, with clear calls to action that prompted users to take the next steps.

Designing this guided meditation and mindfulness mobile app was truly a fulfilling experience for me. It gave me the chance to utilise my design skills and contribute to a project that promotes a healthy and mindful lifestyle. By thoughtfully selecting calming colours and integrating meaningful illustrations, I was able to create a user experience that evokes relaxation and emotional well-being. I'm thrilled with the outcome of these concept designs, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to showcase my design skills in a meaningful and impactful way.


Please feel free to email me at [email protected] about future work & collaborations! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Posted on May 13, 2023

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