Modern premium green gold brand sign

Modern premium green gold brand sign

Crafting an unforgettable presence: The Peters Stucadoors billboard design

Designing visuals that encapsulate a brand's essence while grabbing attention is always an exciting challenge. For Peters Stucadoors, my goal was to create a billboard that perfectly embodied their luxurious services in the high-end stucco industry. Let me walk you through the design choices that made this project a resounding success.

Inspired by Peters Stucadoors' existing visual identity, which effectively conveys their luxurious services, the billboard design aimed to elevate this even further. Since their clientele seeks exclusive wall and floor finishes, the design needed to appeal to this upscale audience while showcasing the company's expertise in luxury stucco work. By incorporating elements of their brand identity, the billboard harmoniously presents Peters Stucadoors as a leader in their field.

The color palette played a crucial role in achieving the desired look and feel. The combination of dark green and gold was selected for its unique, high-quality appearance. These colors create a sense of sophistication, making the billboard stand out and speak to Peters Stucadoors' distinguished services. The result is a visually striking piece that not only catches the eye but also communicates the essence of the brand in a compelling way.

As a designer, it was a pleasure to work on this project and bring Peters Stucadoors' vision to life. I believe the final billboard design truly reflects the elegance and expertise of their services, providing the perfect platform for their luxurious stucco finishes.


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Thomas van der Kuijl
Elevate your brand with Dutch Design

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