What BuiLD1.0 Meant Poster

Day 57 of the "BuiLD 1.0" challenge organized by designdrug.co

The prompt for #BuiLD1.0 phase-3 DAY 57 ๐Ÿ‘‡

Create a poster marking the end of Build 1.0, which showcases what this challenge meant for you and how you preserved through the 90 days.

With BuiLD 1.0 coming to an end,

we're also getting ready to take BuiLD 2.0 live to empower even more designers to get awesome at turning their ideas into designs. ๐ŸŒˆ

If you wish to be a part of BuiLD 2.0, Here is your chance to get started.

Registrations are still going OPEN,

Fill up the form here ๐Ÿ‘‰ http://bit.ly/3KX4p53

#BuiLD2.0 @figma #BuiLD #designdrug #watchmegrow #uidesign #landingpage #productdesigner #poster#art #ui #uxdesign #abstractart #animation #shape #motiondesign #madeinfigma #figma #parallax #Illustration


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