Website of the supplier of of construction reinforcement

Website of the group of companies

Website of the group of companies "ArmatM". Supplier of construction reinforcement of various brands, organization of supply. Developed an adaptive design of the home page. For the possibility of forming an order, and registration of regular customers (individual discounts) on the site I used a software package online store OpenCart and CRM system (Customer Relationship Management). ะll the work - only one full stack developer

Website of the group of companies

ย I had to completely create my own optimized adaptive page template (customization and adaptation of the OpenCart engine). Fixed a standard problem of long loading pages on the platform OpenCart and problems with the passage of the test speed of loading pages. As a result, a great result was obtained by passing the site test Google Page Speed Insights - 97% for mobile and 100% for computers.

Logo design

๐Ÿ‘‰ (website and portfolio)

๐Ÿ‘‰ (Instagram - subscribe for more information and case studies)

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