Design System - Ultimate Guide (Notion Template)

The Design System Bree is a guide that contains more than 36 components divided into 11 distinct categories. This guide will help you build efficient and consistent interfaces, in accordance with the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG).

This guide was designed for designers, but also for developers.

Each component is accompanied by a Description sheet, Anatomy, Placement, Content and Interactions of it. To ensure that all components are accessible, a handy 'to do' and 'not to do' list is linked to the components.

But that’s not all, because each component has an example of Tailwind-inspired HTML snippet.

The good news? This guide is updated with new components every month as well as W3C best practices!

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Designers & Developpers

This guide is made for both !

benefits from this guide

If you want to start your own DS or learn how to maintain one

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More by Andrē

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