Together with UUF, we initiated a distinctive project that provides aid to people in Ukraine while promoting art. Our approach involves sourcing ambulance cars from auctions and producing precise digital replicas of them in the form of NFT animations that correspond to the car's value at auction. By obtaining one of these NFT animations, users not only help us procure an ambulance car but also get exclusive access to a live journal that tracks the car's whereabouts and current activities.

In just one day, our team developed this website for our friends at the "United Ukraine Foundation" volunteer project. These tireless individuals fight for every life by purchasing ambulance vehicles at auctions and sending them to conflict zones in Ukraine to help those who find themselves in difficult life situations. We are proud to be part of it at least indirectly

Posted on May 4, 2023
Oleg Savchuk
UX/UI, Website, Wireframe, Pitch deck, Mobile App, Saas ...

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