Adult Coloring Book


here...Coloring circle mandalas is extremely therapeutic, relaxing and just plain fun. You can easily create your own circle mandala coloring pages with a pencil and compass. That is the best way to color mandalas because it gives you complete freedom to create any design you like. Make circles of various sizes, circles within circles and circles joining circles. Any coloring media can be used.

  • Colored pencils are best for intricate designs because they can be sharpened to a fine point.

  • Water color or oil-based paints can be used to color in mandalas.

  • Pastels can be used if you prefer softer colors.

  • Crayons can be used to color mandalas.

  • Charcoal works great if you prefer to color your circle mandalas in shades of grey and black.

More by Aysel Tagiyeva

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