Campbell School of Innovation // Education Branding Project

Branding a school built for design-thinking

Campbell School of Innovation (CSI) opened its doors in 2018. They promote a unique program focused on “design thinking” and have created an entirely new learning culture, challenging young minds to grow through active discovery. They forsake standard lesson plans for those that prioritize collaboration, exploration, and creativity. They needed to build a brand that would reflect their unique curriculum, but also sit well amongst the more traditional schools in their district.


Logo + Brand Guidelines + Asset Library + Website Design & Development + Marketing Collateral + Social Media Campaign

As a new school in an established district, their brand had to balance innovation with respect for the existing institutions and constituents.

With extensive experience in educational services, we were the ideal partner to help CSI create a brand that would appeal to Campbell’s diverse community.

Collaboration is key.

Every project has stakeholders who are invested in the final outcome, but working in education means navigating a much larger group of contributors. In this case, early collaboration was critical, as well as defining all major milestones and deadlines up front. We held meetings to talk through the vision, aligned on a plan, and accommodated extensive review sessions through each phase of the project. In every instance, we led these discussions to hear from all stakeholders and guide them through the process of translating (often conflicting) feedback into clear action items.

We used colorful symbolism.

We provided a wide range of design concepts and landed on a brand that was colorful, energetic, and rich with symbolism. The logo itself represents a student’s academic journey, and all marketing materials are vibrant, highlighting the school’s diversity through photography and color. We carefully chose our design elements to be culturally sensitive and meaningful to an audience with varying backgrounds and degrees of education. These detailed decisions represent the story of CSI’s unique curriculum and the community they serve.

A strong brand promotes success.

The identity we created for CSI positioned them to stand out in their district and appeal to families in the area. The sleek logo and bright colors definitive of the brand have caught attention and contributed to making the modern campus an exciting community landmark. But most significantly, the new materials have been crucial to their grassroots and digital marketing success. Not only do they stand out amongst school bulletins, but the CSI team can produce new assets quickly and without design knowledge. These tools will support bigger enrollment goals each year.

Design in Mind was quick and responsive to our changing needs. Their work was very high quality and the strength of the initial designs saved us a lot of time.

Campbell Union School District

Marla Sanchez

Marketing & Communications

Posted on Apr 26, 2023
Design in Mind
A Silicon Valley Branding & Design Agency

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