Social Listening Dashboard

A massive project! The state of the original social listening feature was just a textbox where clients had to write their own IF/ELSE/OR statements. This was not user friendly at all and clients often asked for help from CS even after onboarding. My task was to completely redesign the 'Buzz' social listening feature. I started out creating a huge miro board of ideas and research around social listening, requirements gathering and competitor research and then started sketching out how I thought this could look. I ran the sketches past the team and started creating some wireframes. I worked iteratively through this process to make sure we had built on some of the features that were already there as well as creating a new user friendly UI to go with it.

Once it was all built and we launched we had incredible feedback from clients, a 49% increase in independent Buzz search creations in three months and one client even extended their contract with us because of the new dashboard & features. A great win for SoCrowd.

Posted on Apr 13, 2023

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