Novel Editor - 2023

Programmed in Java, the "Novel Editor" is a visual scripting language that uses blocks and node connections to represent Java code. The image above represents four methods instantiating an object on its first line. The blocks are organized, connected, and created dynamically by users. Their are blocks that can represent methods, floats, booleans, assignments, operators, custom code blocks, if-statements, and more. When the script is complete, the user can output the blocks into syntax-correct Java code.

This program was created for my final project of my first-semester CS class. The project was completed in less than 24 days with over 100 hours of time spent programming and planning the project. This program was certainly one of the most complex applications I have developed.

The image above represents four methods calling each other

The image above represents a method calling a subtraction statement 6 times in a row

The blocks organized in the picture above have their equivalent Java code printed on the left hand panel

This video demonstrates the editing experience in the Novel Editor

Posted on Apr 13, 2023

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