Rails Girls Kraków - Event Branding

Social media post proting an event. Cute girl character learning programming.

Friendly & exciting event branding

I’ve been supporting the Rails Girls Kraków community since 2015.

I’m responsible for designing promotional images, swag, and online presence.

Every year I like to challenge myself and experiment with the visual direction of the event.

👉 See case study on Behance https://www.behance.net/gallery/168203491/Rails-Girls-event-branding

My goal is to create a welcoming event space

I focused on:

  • Creating visual consistency to make sure all the images feel like part of the same event.

  • Making images welcoming and engaging, to be easily recognizable in social media feeds and to be aligned with our community values.

Illustrations — 2022 edition

Each year I experiment with different styles to create a unique feel for every workshop edition. I've created multiple social media graphics consistent with our style guide for the 2022 edition.

Small gifts for each attendee to remind them of the event and motivate them for further learning.

👉 Find me on:

GosiaNowak.pl | Behance | Instagram

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