Barky Spark

Barky Spark, a hypothetical pet company committed to creating treats that keep pets happy and healthy, was the focus of a passion project by me. The goal of the project was to create designs that would stand out from competitors and appeal to pet owners and their furry friends.

Despite the fact that this was passion project, I approached

the project with the same level of professionalism and dedication as I would have for a client. I conducted research into the pet food industry to gain insights into what pet owners look for when selecting treats for their pets.

The design process was both challenging and playful, as the I worked to develop visually appealing designs that communicated Barky Spark's values and differentiated the company from competitors. I also experimented with different colors, images for inspiration, and illustrations, drawing inspiration from the actions of a pet and the natural ingredients used in Barky Spark's treats. I also incorporated playful doodles of a dog and the visual sound action of a bark to the designs and packaging, to appeal to both pets and their owners.

In the end, I have produced a set of designs that were visually appealing, easy to use, and helped Barky Spark stand out in a crowded market. The project was a success, demonstrating the my ability to approach a passion project with the same level of professionalism and dedication as I would a real client project.

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