3D Design Scenery

Minimalism and sustainability are the concepts that I apply in designing 3d illustrations, including repair garage illustrations, mini-port illustrations, and charging station illustrations.

There are 3 stages that I do in designing 3d illustrations, the first I collect object references and organizing concepts. The second is to start building objects from the largest to the details. The last is the materialization and rendering process until finished.

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Here's the detail of our design project. Check it out!

Mini port with one supporting building can be a comfortable place to stop over if we go through it, because there is a shelter area, navigation area, and also an area to spend the night. (Bonus atmosphere in the afternoon)

At the charging station, we can wait for the car battery to be full by enjoying a snack or soft drink sold by the nearby mini market. This makes us not bored in waiting because the facilities are complete.

With a small repair garage near our house, we don't have to go far to just change the oil and add radiator water. This garage is equipped with a nitrogen pump machine, a hydraulic jack that can rotate 360º , and you can also change your own tire if it punctures.

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Dipa Inhouse is a creative digital design and development agency. We provide high-quality services and help you to find solutions in UI/UX designs that are intuitive and represent your business goal.

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