Roomie Mobile App

πŸ™‹ Hello Creatives! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

Rommie a platform to explore and buy what is best for your home interior and decor. A mobile app concept - Rommie is an exploration of design for modern furniture stores with a modern approach

I hope you like it. !! ✨


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Green - #053D1E

White- #F1F0EC

Pink - #FF94E2 (Highlights)

Grey - #D5D5D5 

Black - #1F212A


Readex Pro | Mansalva | Post No Bills Colombo Light .

Asset Link or credits

Mockups and UnSplash πŸ™ŒπŸΌ


1. Minimal

2. Highlight

3. Microinteraction

More by Nickelfox - UI/UX Design

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