Website Homepage Redesign

This is a redesign of the homepage (so far) of an existing website. The aim of the redesign is to bring the website's content into a flow corresponding to user needs and goals.

This project is ongoing.

Redesign overview

  • Site map

  • Top Navi

  • Hero image to reflect possible usage of the offered products

  • Added section - company's brand identity

  • Added section - iconography overview of product quality

  • Added user reviews' section

  • Added section - company's value carousel

  • Added news section

  • Added section - contact info

  • Footer redesign

  • Improvement of the overall layout and consistent style.


The following has been done in the preparation stage:

  • research & discovery: online shop, raw and fresh foods, online shop trust.

  • thorough scanning of the website's content and architecture.

  • research into potential users of the products.

  • Usability to identify user performance issues.

  • Wireframing.

  • Site map.

User Research & Personas

Gaining a user prespective is of paramount importance when (re)desiging a website. 8 people have been interviewed based on open-ended questions on their motivations, needs and goals in using raw and fresh produce in the comfort of their homes and business. Analysis of data revealed 3 personas.

Heuristic markup

The following tasks have been explored to see as to how a user experiences the site from start to finish.

  • Versteht der Kunde, wer wir sind gleich am Anfang?

  • Was ist unser Mehrwert, der uns von den anderen unterscheidet?

  • Was macht uns einzigartig?

  • Ist die Info priorisiert?

  • Werden mit dem Infoaufbau auf der Homepage alle Protopersonen angesprochen?

  • Können die Kunden schnell Info finden? Z.B. alles über Aloe Vera Lifestyle, wenn dieses nicht über die Top Navi angeboten wird?

  • Ist die Navigation leicht zu verstehen und man findet genau was man erwartet unter den Begriffen?

  • Warum/wo verlassen die Kunden den Shopping Flow?

  • Wird den Kunden kostenloser Inhalt zur Verfügung gestellt? Reziprozität!

Based on the analysis of answers to these questions, the changes to improve the structure of the site, priority of information, layout and provide a more intuitive and pleasurable user experience.

Research into fresh bio products

Research has shown that consumers feel they need to share a responsibility for the future of the planet. This influences their everyday purchasing decisions. In light of that, in terms of food choices, the most popular aspects are bio, fair, cruelty free, vegan, clean eating, plant-based, sustainable, fresh, unpackaged and raw, all of which should not be viewed isolated but in congruence. It has been shown that the consumers have a tendency forward a more holistic perception of bio(-based) products, i.e. to evaluate a bio product the quality of bio is merely one aspect amongst different aspects and qualities of the product, several or all playing a role in consumer perception.

In the light of our website redesign, 2 sections have been added to reflect the holistic consumer perception. These two sections are complementary, serve building brand awareness and consumer trust. See below the iconography and the carousel stating the values the company would like to convey.

Last but not least - the Footer

Finally, when a user scrolls to the end of the page there is some well devised footer that enhances the user experience by providing clear links that complement the main navigation.

With specific elements in place, this footer before all gives a memorable logo with a short mission statement, more call-to-actions, clear line of communication with all contact data and social media, access to the usual documentation and disclaimers, and clear links to fast access to user interest highlights. Based on a It is definitely making an enjoyable last impression of the website, based on the quick and dirty usability test performed.

Comparison of the existing and redone footer is below:

If you liked the website redesign and the project presentation, leave a comment and a like.

Get in touch, always happy to chat : [email protected]

Lidija Grujicic
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