Instagram Assets Design

Instagram assets design for a family-owned golf club in Detroit, Michigan, the United States. The strategy and visual communication concept idea relies in a personal story of founders — playing golf has been a family hobby inherited from the grand grandfather back in 60s.

The strategy and visual identity goal was to build brand awareness through immersing audience in a personal story. In order to achieve that, the emphasis was put on transmitting authenticity both strategically and visually. Thus brand elements centred around the family hobby initiator. The club's name veiledly refers to grandfather, free-hand letterings reproduce his tone of voice, while the combination of serif and sans serif types represents the value of family roots.

Instagram Assets Design is a service I offer that covers online presence for small and medium sized businesses, improves their communication with the

clients and audience through social media.

It includes:

  • Profile picture, bio, highlights

(A copy for bio, up to 6 highlight icon covers)

  • Post and story (reel) templates

Up to 10 templates in total, colors and fonts (if required).

  • Photo content

Stock images collection, Moodboard for further images

  • Grid layout

A 12 post grid layout design made up from images

(yours or/and stock ones) and post (reel) templates.

  • Grid layout manual

The formula to managing grid layout, set of rules

to combine the colors and mix the pictures.

  • Files delivery

Templates delivered in Canva or Adobe Illustrator.

See the full project on Behance

Follow me on Instagram


For project inquiries: [email protected]

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