makeO invisible aligner

Scan booking flow re-design

During our discussions with the business team, we discovered that the scan booking flow could frustrate users. There are numerous drop-off points on each screen, which can make the process confusing and overwhelming. In light of this, we have decided to take a fresh approach and re-design the aligner scan flow to make it more user-friendly and intuitive.

Drop-off rates in the previous scan booking funnel:

  • Traffic to lead form: 91%

  • Lead to OTP submission: 17%

  • Scan type selection: 41%

  • Scan type to smile form: 69%

  • Smile form to address selection: 29%

  • Address selection to scan booking: 31%

As compare to assisted users, unassisted users are very less(10%)


  • Our primary objective was to reduce the drop-offs.

  • Increase the conversion rate of unassisted flow

  • Filter out irrelevant leads and improve lead quality.

We aim to create a seamless and efficient experience for our users, so they can easily book their scans without any unnecessary hassle or confusion.

Identifying the problem

To Identify the problem and challenges, we have conducted user interviews to gather insights from our end users.

Here are the insights we have received:

  • Our major users come from social media posts; when they click on an individual post, we redirect them to the lead screen, where they must fill out some basic details to proceed.

  • There is no information about the product on the lead screen because they were landing here from the social media screen; they need more information about the product.

  • In our previous flow, we asked various questions to understand the user's concern but in the wrong order. For example, first, we asked them to fill up the basic information then we asked them to select the scan type before knowing the user's needs and concerns.

  • Actions need to be clarified.

  • There is no information about like why they need to book a scan.

  • There is no price information. (product value is very high, 50k+)

  • Most people drop off because of the product value

Apart from this, I have conducted a competitor benchmarking exercise to identify how the other competitor is solving the same challenges.

More by Hello Iโ€™m Ganesh ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ

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