Fintech CRM System

Hello, friends!

We invite you to evaluate another work of our designers - a CRM system for a company providing financial services.


The first screen of the system is the dashboard. All important summaries and indicators are collected in one place. You can select the time period for displaying the metric and save the data.

Customer page

All history of interaction with the client is available on the "interaction" tab. Also, records and transcripts of calls are stored here. The manager does not need to worry about how a particular product suits the user - the system selects special offers for each client based on his active products and information about the client.

Mobile Adaptation

The mobile version has less functionality than the web version of the system. Statistics, creating reports, searching and viewing the necessary information are also available here, and communication with the client via the phone has become even more convenient.

This is just part of a larger system that we want to show. The full case can be viewed here.

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Posted on Mar 15, 2023
Business-Oriented Solutions for Web and Mobile

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