A number of researches have proved the bidirectional relationship between our gut and sleeping pattern. Gut is mainly defined by the trillions of bacteria and other microscopic organisms that reside in it. This collection of beneficial bacteria is termed as gut microbiome. Any change in the diversity of gut microbiome will therefore bring change in body’s physiology. 

The intestinal health is perceived to have a close connection with our brain functioning. This is defined as the gut brain axis that helps transmit signals with the help of vagus nerve. Therefore, if you will maintain your digestive health, a normal sleep pattern is induced by stimulating the release of important chemical messengers in the brain such as, serotonin and dopamine. Similarly, an unhealthy gut can cause insomnia or poor sleep, which further leads to fatique. So, when there is bacterial inflammation in the gut, your sleep will be affected as well. 

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