FlutterSee - Full Flutter NFT Marketplace Mobile App

FlutterSee - Full Flutter NFT Marketplace Mobile App With Solidi

Mobile App Marketplace includes:

  • connect Wallets

  • Homepage with show List Of Categories.

  • Top 3 newest Nft items.

  • Create new nft page with name and description and image and Categories.

  • categories filtration page.

  • a purchased page to filter the user log in the item purchased.

  • Resell items That is Buy.

  • can Sell any nft from resell to change its price or save it at your profile

  • profile collection page for all users

  • my profile page

  • single item and related categories items

  • the dashboard that controls the item uploaded and my item sold.

-will find video documentation and everything we use is free<

Technology used:

  • Solidity programming language for Smart Contract

  • dart

  • connect with wallets with private key

  • Flutter

  • Fontawsome icons

  • IPFS server to upload images at bloackchain (Pinata)

  • will save more than 2 months of working


More by bahaa taha

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