A ChatGPT App That Writes Your Essays

Essay.Write: A Chatbot That Writes Essays For You

Have you ever struggled with writing an essay for school or work? Do you wish you had a personal assistant who could help you with your assignments? If so, you might want to check out Essay.Write, a chatbot that writes essays for you.

Essay.Write is an app that uses natural language processing and artificial intelligence to generate high-quality essays on any topic. You just have to type in your prompt, choose your style and tone, and let Essay.Write do the rest. You can also chat with Essay.Write to ask questions, get feedback, or edit your essay.

I designed the app UI to be simple and intuitive, with a conversational interface that mimics a messaging app. I used a bright color scheme and playful icons to make the app more fun and engaging. You can see more of my work here: https://mobile.twitter.com/shaunchivandire. If you like what you see, feel free to contact me for any projects or inquiries. I would love to hear your thoughts on this design. Thanks for watching!

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