Limiting beliefs are the little voice in our mind that tells us what we can’t do and what will never work for us. This is also referred to as a child’s filter. The child has to protect themselves from the world, and thus they limit themselves to certain things. So how does this happen?

When we are kids, most of us love playing games, trying new things and exploring our surroundings. We want to be happy and curious about everything around us. When children play games, they tend to focus on the fun aspects rather than seeing the negative aspects, and if the game is not fun, they don’t play it again. Similarly, they see life in this way. However, as life continues, the negative experiences we live through begin to stick with us. 

This is when limiting beliefs are created! Limiting beliefs are established by looking at how we were treated as a child. If we didn’t get much love from our parents, weren’t praised enough for doing well in school, or heard things like: “You can’t do that because your brother/sister always got first place,” or “You never stood a chance,” then no matter what we do in life, we will always believe that this won’t work out for us because we have been let down so many times before.

How we see the world results from the decisions we make while growing up. However, as adults, if we want to break old habits and find new ways of thinking about ourselves and our lives, we have to do so from childhood onward.

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