Friendly & Colorful Pet Cremation Website

Triangle pet cremation website homepage mockup.

Hello there! My name is Maddie Shoemaker, and I am a UX/UI Designer & Graphic Illustrator.

My design philosophy is simple: create beautiful solutions that are both engaging and easy to use. I'm always looking for new ways to challenge myself and push the boundaries of design.

As a UX/UI Designer at Gather, I had the opportunity to revamp multiple funeral home websites. Anyone that knows me, knows that I have a passion for animals, so this website design was especially dear to me. The client gave me the go-ahead to make this as inviting, friendly, and illustrative as possible.

Beyond the design, I also built the website using Oxygen Site Builder. I am extremely proud of the hard work and passion I put into this branding.

Website Link: Triangle Pet Cremation

Want to work together? Let's connect! I am open to work.

Triangle pet cremation brand guide

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