Dribbble platform improvements Pt. 2 - Outcrowd vision

Yesterday our improvements of the Dribbble platform evoke interest in the audience!🤩

We have more ideas in our backlog to share.

Once again, we're trying to make the Dribble site more user-friendly and interesting.

We've come up with an interesting feature for editing text in the description of a post. Now if you want to increase or decrease the text, select a different font, or increase the boldness of the text, you just have to double-click on the text and start editing. Also, you can edit the space between paragraphs by increasing or decreasing it. Everything is very convenient!

As a bonus, we've improved the "share on social networks" feature. You can now choose multiple social networks to share your post.

Stay creative and may your works get huge recognition and receive as many likes and comments as possible!

P.S. Leave your thoughts about suggested improvements and write down your personal ideas 💬


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