Smudgies Dessert Lab: Web Design & Development

Smudgies Dessert Lab's Home page on desktop and mobile.

Minimal design. Bold imagery. Playful Copy.

Smudgies Dessert Lab is a chain of ice cream shops founded in Northwest Arkansas renowned for bringing donuts and cereal to the game----culminating in delicious, off-the-wall treats that border on excess. Rather than attempting to downplay this over-indulgence, the owners of Smudgies Dessert Lab chose to embrace it, making light of a “negative” through acceptance and laughter. In the creation of their website, I drew heavily from this sentiment, as well as from the minimal design and flashy colors of their logo, which had already been designed.

Smudgies Dessert Lab's brand typefaces and color palette.
User personas and sitemap for Smudgies Dessert Lab.
Desktop wireframes for Smudgies Dessert Lab.
Mobile pages for Smudgies Dessert Lab.
Full mobile pages from Smudgies Dessert Lab's website.
Smudgies' Menu page on tablet.
Full tablet pages from Smudgies Dessert Lab's website.
Smudgies' Locations page on desktop.
Full desktop pages from Smudgies Dessert Lab's website.

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