Review aggregator app
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Hello there! Check out our new review aggregator app design 🌟
The app works like this:👇
1. A user posts a video playing the guitar or doing sports. Then posts it on the platform.🎸
2. Other users watch the video and leave comments: supporting or giving advice on how to make it better.🔢
3. Users may even choose a particular part of the video to comment on.
🖥️We chose a dark theme, so the sole focus was on the videos and the darker tone has less strain on the eyes.
Users can get fun reaction videos from professionals in every sphere they’re interested in 🔥🔥🔥
Press 💜 if you like our design and share feedback!
If you're interested in learning how to make your own marketplace app, check out our article.
Interface by Darya Khamitova
Motion by Ivan Nesterov