TalentCoach Platform


A journey in online video interview!

The Idea

The idea behind this project is something that could have a significant impact on hiring and it is a constructive approach in HR departments in companies. You may be familiar with job fairs. It is a gathering of companies to promote their open job positions. Also, job seekers can talk directly with HR managers to introduce themselves. If this brief conversation goes well, then HR will invite them to have an extended interview meeting at the company. Also, employer branding is the other goal of companies that attend fairs. So, with all this in mind, imagine an online job fair where job seekers could view different companies’ booths, view their open job positions, and apply for them. Companies could view a list of applicants and check their resumes. If they find an interesting resume, they could set a date and time during the fair to have a quick chat for about 15 minutes with the candidate!

Online Job Fair

Being a virtual gathering of companies, an Online Job Fair helps both candidates and companies to communicate through a brand new innovative way in which both could attend an online video interview at a specific date and time.

  • View a list of jobs

  • Send your resume

  • Analyze CVs and shortlist them by HR

  • Get the date and time of the interview

  • Interview online

  • Get hired!


I started my job by benchmarking successful online job platforms. There are tons of job sites on the internet. But job fairs are something that I rarely considered as a platform. Job fairs are typically considered a physical gatherings and it’s hard to find something similar to it. The job fair is mainly held by universities and job seekers are mostly freshly graduated students who wish to start their career path. So, This was the first and huge discovery! We should change our target users to fresh graduates. Moreover, companies that have requested for their internship program are the main part of our users. Besides, I should point out the fact that I learned a lot from “vFairs”, “iVent” and “Brazen”.

The Problem

The company tried to hold a fair several times. They have got negative feedback every time because they did not consider any scheduling process before holding a fair. So, massive traffic came to the server every time, and the website got down.

The Solution

The scheduling process solved this problem by dividing users into separate parts, and the server could cope with normal traffic. Also, the video interview was designed based on an end-to-end connection and this approach cut all the loads from the server.


My research led me to a dozen ideas each of which could make different characteristics in our product. So, I listed my ideas and introduced them through several meetings with managers and product owners. We discussed new ideas and some were accepted to be put in different iterations of software development. Here are some of the new ideas.

Hall concept

There are several halls in a fair in reality. Why don’t we have it in virtual online job fairs? We could name a hall and categorize companies into different halls based on their industry. Therefore a specific hall. For instance, one hall is dedicated to companies in the food industry. Another one for banking companies. One for construction, and so on.

Dynamic hall map vs Static hall map

We could have two ways to shape the fair hall. One is to have a fixed and static plan in which companies could view a fixed booth size and its price. They could choose the location of their booth and buy that location.The second solution was to have a blank page in which the user could shape his booth by selecting the number of boxes he requests. Thus we will have a different plan each time the fair is held.

Briefcase concept

In reality, after visiting a fair you come back with brochures and catalogs of companies that attended the fair. So we could give the companies access to upload their promotional materials such as introduction videos, brochures, and catalogs on the company page. Visitors could add them to their briefcases and download the whole briefcase after visiting.


Before fair – Part 2

At the first point, the marketing team finds companies that want to attend the fair. Companies could sign up on the website and fill out all the employer branding sections to make an eye-catching introduction page for their company. Moreover, they could put all open job positions in the panel.

So job seekers could view company job positions. And finally, companies could register their interviewers who wanted to be in the interview with the candidate.

Before fair – Part 2

The fair section on the website and application are accessible for job seekers now. They could view the company’s page, and apply for job positions. And on the company’s side, HR managers could view a job seeker’s CV and decide whether to shortlist them for an interview or not. The HR manager could schedule a date and time for an interview with a candidate. We send notifications and email to candidates to inform them about having an interview with a specific company.

During fair

Fairs are normally held for 3 days or more. HR interviewers could talk with the candidates through our platform based on the scheduled date and time that they built before the starting day of the fair. Also, it is possible to check new resumes and add candidates to the timetable to interview during the fair time. HR managers could rate a candidate and write a note about him/her. So, they can filter and sort candidates after the fair and could decide better to continue the hiring process with more appropriate candidates.

After fair

Companies could access CVs for a certain period. Also, they could view statistical reports about participants’ attributes such as age range, gender, education, universities, field of study, city, and so on...

User Persona

There were 3 different types of users on the platform

HR managers

These users are mainly the oldest part of our users. HR professional people whose goals were seeking appropriate candidates that suit their organization well. These users wanted a comprehensive and sophisticated panel to build the employer branding of the company, post job positions, and the ability to check CVs, filter and sort them, shortlist potential candidates, and finally set a date and time to interview with the shortlisted candidates.

HR interviewers

These users’ tasks in the platform were restricted to only having an interview with candidates, write a note about them and rate them. This person’s real job could be an HR manager, middle manager, product owner, team leader, developer, or anyone who can interview a candidate. These users mostly wanted a smooth and easy-to-use video panel to talk to candidates, an accessible resume of the candidate, and an input area to write down any feedback about the candidate during the session.

Job seekers

As I explained before we decided to target freshly graduated students who want to start their career path. They are mainly the youngest users on the platform. These users are mainly familiar with tech and also a mobile application could help them track all fairs during the period of fair time. The interview meeting is held in the application! At the scheduled time of the interview, when the interviewer enters the meeting room, the talent coach application rings (like Skype or WhatsApp!) And the candidate could start the video interview session by answering the call.

User Journey

Three types of users need 3 types of user journeys. I listed the capabilities and limitations of each type of user. I decided to show all the pages without the need to log in just before applying for a job position. So, job seekers could see the halls, employer branding page, job positions, and list of interviewers of companies without the need to sign up. After signing up and confirming their email, they could build their CV on both mobile applications and websites. Having a complete CV, they could apply for open job positions in companies.


Company’s Panel Wireframes

Mobile Application Wireframes

Part of UI Designs

TalentCoach – Home page

Company Page – List of Applicants

Thank you 💜

I must say that it could not have been achieved without the collaboration between a great team inside the company. Also, I want to say thanks to all developers including the front-end, back-end, DevOps, and our great tester who put a lot of effort into examining the system and making a great quality assurance. Last but not least, our manager and the product owner gave me this opportunity to think freely, design, test, enhance, and produce a great user experience in this process.

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Posted on Feb 26, 2023

More by Pouya Seifdoost

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