Pizza ๐Ÿ• App UI Design Breakdown!

Pizza๐Ÿ• Selling App

App tagline: โ€œ15 Minutes only for authentic delicious pizza.โ€This is an imaginary app UI design for a pizza restaurant. Here are three-page designs. -->

Loading Page:

This is the Italo-Pizzaโ€™s, Loading Page. It contains the restaurantโ€™s brand logo, tagline, and a Start button. -->

Main Page:

Here is the Main Home Page. It has a search bar and a filter button that appears and also here has Popular Pizza & Recommend Pizza category with a bottom nav bar. -->

Order Page:

Customer can see their price and ratings. Also, they easily choose their needed pizza size. -->

Hi, Folks ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป

Today I would like to share the design concept of the Pizza๐Ÿ• Selling App for pizza lovers. I would like to know your feedback.

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