MedievAI : Your AI-Powered Art Companion


The world of art is ever-evolving, and artists need to constantly find ways to stay inspired and motivated. Our client, a startup in the art industry, wanted to create a mobile app that could provide artists with fresh and exciting art prompts to help them explore new themes and styles in their work. However, the challenge was to come up with a concept that would stand out in the crowded market of art-related apps.


  1. Our team brainstormed several ideas, and we proposed an app that would use the latest in artificial intelligence technology to generate art prompts based on medieval art and culture. The client loved the concept and we named it MedievAI.

  2. We started with researching medieval art, learning about the various styles, themes, and techniques used in that era. We also analyzed the needs of artists and how MedievAI could help them with their creative process. Based on this research, we designed the app's user interface and user experience, making sure it was intuitive and user-friendly.

  3. To generate art prompts, we trained the app's AI algorithm on a vast dataset of medieval art images and analyzed their common themes, colors, and patterns. We then programmed the algorithm to generate prompts that were unique and specific to the user's preferences.

  4. To test the app, we recruited a group of artists with different levels of experience and backgrounds. We asked them to use MedievAI to generate art prompts and create artworks based on them. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many artists noting that the app had helped them overcome creative blocks and inspired them to explore new techniques and themes.

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Alae Cherkaoui
Bridging the gap between tech and imagination 🪐

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