sermon graphic: romance πŸ’˜

Q: How do you make a graphic about πŸ’˜romanceπŸ’˜ that captures the excitement of love, acknowledges all the traditional notions about it, and also subverts them?

A: There's nothing like a 19th-century love story, am I right?? So romantic, so drawn out, so exciting! So I scoured the archives for some Jane-Austen-esque illustrations. Obviously, this was the part of the graphic that supports traditional notions of romance... But zoom out and look at that typeface: it's called "Chuck," lol πŸ˜† It's super blocky and funky - with a solid nod to retro videogame aesthetics. Definitely not something you would expect when thinking of romance - but a cheeky nod to how it can sometimes feel like an impossible number of levels and battles to "win" the game of love.

Every year, The Salt Company likes to give a little "relationship talk" to its college-aged students, especially when Valentine's Day can trigger a variety of emotions and questions. Here's the cool part about this whole thing: that talk doesn't tell them to change themselves, it doesn't over-glorify romance, and it certainly won't shame singleness. Instead, it will serve as a reminder that no human being can ever meet all of your needs. Only a relationship with Jesus brings true satisfaction - a pretty subversive idea compared to popular thinking about relationships & romance - thus my design choices πŸ˜‰

Above, a seamless carousel social post promoting the special one-night theme. Below, some samples of how the sermon notes were designed according to the main hero graphic.

Izzy Wootonn
graphic designer ✍️

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