Afrikitchen (Mobile Application)

Project Background

Afrikitchen is an African catering business focused on bringing African cuisines to all parts of the globe. The concept is to provide that warm, homely experience for Africans in diaspora while giving foreigners the opportunity to explore something new.

The product offers a wide menu with variety of dishes cutting across cultures in Africa. Afrikitchen operates with outlets, selling out franchise to interested and certified investors who are looking to be part of the brand vision.

​A city at a time, the goal is to broaden the reach and bring Africa closer to the world by making these recipes available for all and ensuring that regardless of location, the amazing African recipes are never beyond reach.

Problem Statement

A large number of Africans in diaspora find it challenging getting their native cuisines and therefore have to settle for whatever they can find in their new place of residence. These people have a demand for a product, platform or business that can meet this rising need.

Possible Solution

Afrikitchen stands to meet this need by providing a trusted, accessible and affordable means to get this cuisines to the end users.

User Research (Segmentation)

Trying to define the customer & target audience segmentation based on research and consideration, the research study has been divided into 3 major segments:

-Users who don't have access to native dishes at all.

-Users who rarely have access mostly via strenuous means like high expenses.

-Users who regularly have access / probably prepare this dishes themselves.

Interview Questions

Interviews were conducted based on selected customer segmentation, questions have been listed below

1. Where are you from?

2. Where do you currently reside?

3. How often do you have African native dishes?

4. How much do you spend on meals daily?

5. What product features do you look out for in food delivery applications?

6. What is the biggest challenge for you talking about food delivery?

7. What challenges do you have ordering / importing African dishes, ingredients etc


Empathy Map


Card Sorting

Crazy 8s & Wireframing

This majorly involves drafting paper sketches to create a rough layout of the interface structure by sketching eight ideas within eight minutes after which the final draft can proceed to wireframing.

Design System

Below are the colour codes, typography, iconography and display elements used in developing the low-fi design and mock up display.

Low-fidelity Prototype

Display of the low-fidelity layout developed from the wireframes.

Mock up &High-fidelity Prototype

The mock up design and high-fidelity prototype is developed from the design system building further from the low-fidelity prototype. 

More by Oluwaseun Osas Ismail

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