Web 3.0 - Kiddybank Landing Page

Web 3.0 has been the talk of the cyber world for a long time. It is set to change everything by utilizing cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, the internet of things, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, machine learning, augmented reality, 5G, digital twins, cloud computing, edge computing and so much more.

When combined with fintech, the potential for Web 3.0 seems almost limitless.

~ Kartik Agarwal - Forbes Councils Member☝️

We can see 🔥high peek of the trends when we are talking about the web 3.0 including fintech solutions. I wanted to try my own 💪strength to present visual solutions in this sense. Frankly, I really enjoy it! Personally, it was an incredible pleasure and unlocked for the desire of my interior children to make catchy stuff. I mean, combining 3.0 fintech solutions with the current trends.

💡 Enjoy it during the scrolling here, on 🏀dribbble, or you can check the Figma prototype here as well! 💡

Concept - AI Learns More Over Time

AI uses machine learning and deep learning to identify kiddo application owner models in the web stream.

Utterly safe transactions! Kiddo will make a double check when transaction pattern be broken.

Preview available in Figma

Don't forget to check the Figma prototype here as well! 💡

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