Canvas Restaurant App UX design case study

Project Overview

The Product

Canvas is a high-end restaurant located in Agartala. Canvas strives to provide quality food, exotic cuisine, along with great overall experience.

Project Duration

January, 2022 to May, 2022

The Problem

  • Could not preview the Menu

  • Navigation details were insufficient

  • Difficulty in booking a table on call.

The Goal

To Design an app for Canvas restaurant to help users book a table online with ease.

My Role

Ux Designer designing an app for for Canvas restaurant from conception to delivery.


Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility,and iterating on designs.

User Research Summary

Pain Points

User Persona

User Journey

Paper Wireframes

Digital Wireframes

Low-fidelity Prototype

Usability Study: findings

Design Scheme


High-Fidelity Prototype

Accessibility Consideration

Key Takeways

Impact: The Canvas app makes makes the booking process easier for the user, and makes the process much more equitable.

One quote from peer feedback: “ This is pretty fluid to use and makes the booking process effortless, I would surely use the app”.

What I Learned: While designing the Canvas app I learned the value of iterations, nothing becomes perfect in the first go, I also learnt the value of peer and user feedback on the design process.

Next steps

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