Vision Casting Design Sprint

The objective of this Design sprint was to contemplate the future of Roadtrippers in 2023.

This involved a comprehensive examination of the Roadtrippers user interface and user experience for iOS, which had not been updated since 2016. The team aimed to revise the core principles of the experience and information architecture to align them with the latest design and experience directions established by the Roadpass Design team in 2022. The deliverable for this sprint was an easily shareable North Star vision deck for internal use.

To accomplish these goals,

The team considered integrating the Roadtrippers mobile apps more deeply into the Bonfire design system, which was in its initial stages. This provided an opportunity to evaluate how to expand the reach of Bonfire into the design and codebase of the mobile apps.

As a team, the North Star will serve as a guiding principle for the future direction of Roadtrippers and its users in 2023. The concept work presented in this case study is based on a one-week sprint. It provides a starting point for internal discussions and a foundation for setting goals and objectives in line with the vision of the company's Leadership. The scope of the work is limited to the screens designed by Kyle.

As the Lead Designer for this project, Kyle was responsible for running the design sprint, selecting and curating the concepts and designs in a diverge and converge design process with the team.

The team worked on concepting updates to the branding, typography, layout, navigation patterns, and content organization. This effort resulted in a more cohesive and recognizable brand experience, improved accessibility, and internally helped outline how to continue to evolve Bonfire for the mobile teams' use going into 2023. Furthermore, Kyle's work has helped establish a clear possible direction for the future success of the Roadtrippers product.

I hope to share the whole deck presented to Leadership in the near future.

It's important to acknowledge the contribution of Fallon, who created some of the branding assets used in this project. I have used some of her branding and illustration work here and want to give her the recognition she deserves for her outstanding branding assets.

Posted on Feb 11, 2023

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