UX Design - Traditional medicine site

Good time👋. Well, let's not delay, but get straight to the point.

I had the following task (problem statement) in front of me:

"To develop a solution that brings together traditional doctors and health-conscious people who are looking for a way to get quick and easy access to information about folk treatments and disease prevention, bypassing modern medications".

Hmmm, and how? What...? 😢 Many questions arise about who the folk doctors are, what their target audience is, what their aims and concerns are, etc. From a first reading of the problem, in this case it is almost impossible to generate a solution to the problem without having the context, one can only guess.

This is why I have highlighted the following steps in the design process:

1) Project definition.

Conducting stakeholder interviews, competitor analysis to understand the current state of the market, existing solutions to the problem.

2) Understanding the problem.

Interviews with members of the target audience, surveys to study the problem.

3) Problem solving.

User personas, user journey maps, information architecture, user flows - first steps to empathize with users.

4) Ideation.

First sketches (wireframes) for designing website functionality.

5) Design.

High-fidelity design with elaborate typography, color scheme, UI kits, etc.

1) Project definition.1️⃣


Before starting to create a project, it is necessary to understand all the requirements, goals, and constraints of the stakeholders. Stakeholders included company executives, project investors, marketers and programmers, who were asked pressing questions for further analysis of the answers.

Main questions:

* What would a successful outcome of this project look like to you?

* Who is this product for?

* What does your audience care about?

* What are your key competitors and how do you feel you compare to them?

* What technologies and tools will be used to develop the site?

* etc.

Key takeaways🤔:

* The website should be user-friendly, accessible on all devices and platforms and allow users to quickly find information.

* Our target audience is physically active middle-aged men and women who are married and have children, who really care about their health and the health of their family, what they eat, what sports they play, etc.

* There are many disparate folk medicine blogs on the Internet, focusing on one area of folk medicine or another. There is no single resource where people can find answers to all health questions.

* Development will be done on WordPress and its plugins.


A list of 4 competitors was generated for comparison by parameters: Visual hierarchy, Discoverability, Relationships, Comprehension.

After conducting a competitive analysis, formed a minimum set of requirements for the functionality that the future site should be competent in terms of visual hierarchy (the contrast of plain text and headings, compliance with the rules of internal and external indentation, etc.), also on the site should be search because of the large amount of information with filtering and sorting functions. To increase the engagement of site visitors, it will be necessary to think of appropriate solutions for this.

2) Understanding the problem.2️⃣


In order to identify the problems, fears that our target audience faces, and to understand the existing solutions, we gathered representatives of the target audience and interviewed everyone.

Some takeaways🤔:

* Taking care of your health and that of your family. This manifests itself in the careful choice of food, in the choice of treatments, etc. The desire to know the benefits or harms of what is eaten.

* The belief that modern medicines are useless and their prices are exorbitant.

* Thanks to life experience, people know and use known methods of folk healing, but they often read health publications on social media, on thematic websites and are constantly learning something new useful.


To gather an overall picture of the understanding of the problem and the target audience, remote unmoderated surveys were conducted. Survey participants were found in various messenger chats devoted to traditional medicine and were motivated to contribute to the creation of a new resource that would make life easier.

Key findings about the target audience:

* 36,3% - male, 63,4% - female.

* 23,1% - 25-34 y.o., 33,1% - 35-44 y.o., 24,2% - 45-54 y.o.

* Reasons to prefer alternative medicine to modern medicine: 60% - Treatment of OIs, 15% - Reduce side effects of conventional medication, 10% - More personal control over your health care, etc.

* 70,8% - married, 29,2% - single.

* 63,4% - have kids, 36,3% - no kids.

3) Problem solving.3️⃣


Based on the results of interviews with candidates and surveys, a user persona was created that reflects the characteristics of the target audience and shows our ideal client. The description of the user persona includes demographics, the person's goals and objectives, fears and pains, and also life beliefs.


Using the customer journey map, we found out how a person goes from one state to another, conventionally, when they feel bad and when they recover, described the communication between our website and the person, what emotions they experience, what actions they take to reach their goal, and how our service can make this process as easy as possible.


Now we have an understanding of the problem to be solved, and a description of the site concept to offer the market a competitive and new experience of consuming medical content. Therefore, the next step is to describe the structure of interaction of different blocks of site information.

Examples of user flows:

* “When I am looking for an article, I want to use navigation and filters to find exactly what I need”.

* “When I read an article, I want to be able to rate it and also go to the doctor's profile and read about him there, see all the articles, subscribe”.

* “When I register, I want to be able to create an account quickly without filling in long forms”.

4) Ideation.4️⃣

Based on the information structure of the site, the next step is to think in purely schematic terms about the visual arrangement of the blocks of information on the site, so that the site is user-friendly and useful to the user. Wireframes will help us do this.

5) Design.5️⃣

Having agreed all the functionality on the wireframes, I moved on to the design, formation of UI kits, typography, colors, etc.

The full work will be available on my Behance profile in the near future🙏

Always remember that UX-aware interfaces are able to solve the problems of the target audience and business as efficiently as possible.

🧑‍💼Business enquiries - [email protected]

Contact me here: LinkedIn | Behance

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