OrganicWeb- case study

Product overview

OrganicWeb, an online store for organic food, is driven by a close-knit group passionately dedicated to vegan nutrition, unwavering in their commitment to the well-being of themselves and their loved ones.

Our focus audience consists of individuals aspiring to adopt a healthier diet, searching for organic food choices, and interested in accessing information about a wholesome lifestyle, all conveniently available in one place.

The problem

The absence of a place to buy budget-friendly organic products, coupled with guidance on vegetarian and balanced diet.

The goal

Design an e-shop webiste enabling users to purchase organic products at competitive prices while also providing information on healthy habits and recipes.


Applying persona and empathy map to better empathize with users who would use our product.

Creating a customer journey map to generate design ideas that align with user needs and alleviate pain points.

Crafting the user flow in order to understand how the user will complete a certain task form start to finish using our website.

Prior to creating low-fidelity wireframes, I designed Information Architecture to define the structure of the website and to provide a high-level view of the product.

To establish the basic structure of a page and to highlight the intended function of the product, I generated low-fidelity wireframes for the home, category and product page.

Let's connect!

[email protected]

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Posted on Jan 31, 2023

More by Milica Vujic

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